White paper

This white paper describes the Safe Notes encryption and decryption. Unless otherwise specified then is displayed schematic for the unlimited version of the safenotes subkeys.

Schematic diadram of decription Generating SafeKey for Decryption Generating SubKeys for Decryption Generating Random Data SafeKey and its Subkeys (version 3.0) SafeKey and its Subkeys Safe Notes File Format Specification (version 3.0) Safe Notes File Format Specification Safe Notes Clipboard Format Specification (version 3.0) Safe Notes Clipboard Format Specification

# Description of all algorithms

Used Pascal style pseudocode in description of algorithms.

PBKDF and ciphers:

BCrypt, PBKDF2 and PBKDF-Schneier are as standard defined functions with these names. AES, Blowfish, CAST6, IDEA, Serpent, Twofish are as standard defined ciphers with these names, used with maximum security settings. SHA1, SHA256, SHA512, RipeMD160, RipeMD320, Tiger(used Tiger2) are as standard defined hash functions with these names.

PBKDF2-Chain, PBKDF2x, SafeReduceLength:
function PBKDF2_Chain(InHash,Salt:AnsiString; Iteration, Repeating, Out_Len:integer):AnsiString;
  Hx,H1,H2,H3,H4,H5,H6: AnsiString; i,j: Integer;
  SetLength(Hx, Out_Len); fillchar(Hx[1], Out_Len, #0); if Repeating < 1 then Repeating:=1;
  for j:=1 to Repeating do
    H1:=PBKDF2x(TFC_sha1, InHash, Salt, Iteration, Out_Len);
    H2:=PBKDF2x(TFC_ripemd160, InHash+H1, Salt, Iteration, Out_Len);
    H3:=PBKDF2x(TFC_Tiger, InHash+H1+H2, Salt, Iteration, Out_Len);
    H4:=PBKDF2x(TFC_sha256, InHash+H1+H2+H3, Salt, Iteration, Out_Len);
    H5:=PBKDF2x(TFC_ripemd320, InHash+H1+H2+H3+H4, Salt, Iteration, Out_Len);
    H6:=PBKDF2x(TFC_sha512, InHash+H1+H2+H3+H4+H5, Salt, Iteration, Out_Len);
    for i := 1 to Out_Len do
      Hx[i] := chr(ord(Hx[i]) xor ord(H1[i]) xor ord(H2[i]) xor ord(H3[i]) xor ord(H4[i]) xor ord(H5[i]) xor ord(H6[i]));

function PBKDF2x(HashType: TFC_Hashclass; Password, Salt: AnsiString; const C: Integer; const dkLen: Integer): AnsiString;
// for correction weak point of original PBKDF2
var blocksize: word;
  blocksize:=HashType.GetBlockSize;    // 64 or 128 bytes
  if length(Password)>blocksize then Password:=SafeReduceLength(Password, blocksize);
  PBKDF2x:=PBKDF2(HashType, Password, Salt, C, dkLen);

function SafeReduceLength(InStr:AnsiString;OutLen:integer):AnsiString;
var i,k: longint;
  for i:=OutLen+1 to Length(InStr) do
    inc(k); if k>OutLen then k:=1;
    InStr[k]:=char(byte(InStr[k]) xor byte(InStr[i]));
function SafeCrypt(InKey: AnsiString; Iteration, OutLen:integer): AnsiString;
const KeyLength=512;
var i,PKx:longint; Kx,ActKey,ActOut,Salt:AnsiString;
  ActOut:= PBKDF2_Chain(InKey, Salt, 2,3, KeyLength+OutLen);
  ActKey:= PBKDF2_Chain(Salt+InKey, ActOut, 2,3, KeyLength);
  if Iteration>1 then Iteration:=Iteration div 2 else Iteration:=1;
  for i:=1 to Iteration do
    EncryptString({text, key512} ActKey, Kx );    // Out 512 bytes -> key
    DecryptString({text, key512} ActOut, ActKey ) // Out 512+OutLen bytes -> text
    // Encryption with cascade: Blowfish-AES-Twofish-Serpent-CAST6-IDEA
  Result:=SafeReduceLength(ActOut, OutLen);
procedure EncryptString(var Text:AnsiString; SKeys:AnsiString);
begin // Every procedure use different sections of the SKeys (4096-bit) as IV and Key
  if length(SKeys)<>512 then SKeys:=PBKDF2_Chain(SKeys,SKeys, 2,3, 512);
  Encrypt_BlowFish(Text, SKeys);
  Encrypt_AES(Text, SKeys);
  Encrypt_TwoFish(Text, SKeys);
  Encrypt_Serpent(Text, SKeys);
  Encrypt_Cast6(Text, SKeys);
  Encrypt_Idea(Text, SKeys);
procedure DecryptString(var Text:AnsiString; SKeys:AnsiString);
begin // Every procedure use different sections of the SKeys (4096-bit) as IV and Key
  if length(SKeys)<>512 then SKeys:=PBKDF2_Chain(SKeys,SKeys, 2,3, 512);
  Decrypt_Idea(Text, SKeys);
  Decrypt_Cast6(Text, SKeys);
  Decrypt_Serpent(Text, SKeys);
  Decrypt_TwoFish(Text, SKeys);
  Decrypt_AES(Text, SKeys);
  Decrypt_BlowFish(Text, SKeys);
Subkeys reduction
// According to the type of license change length of subkeys
procedure SetKeys(key_length: integer; var KEY2, KEY2Salt: AnsiString);
  if key_length>=1024 then exit;    // 1024 bit or more => unchanged
  KEY2:=SafeReduceLength(KEY2, key_length div 8);
  KEY2Salt:=PBKDF2_Chain(KEY2, '', 2, 3, 512);
function SafeHash(const pwd: AnsiString): AnsiString;
var key:AnsiString;
function GetHMAC3(const Key, Msg:AnsiString; OutBytes:integer): AnsiString;
// replacement for HMAC (eg. HMAC-SHA512), this is much safer
  T,H,H1,H2,H3,H4,H5,H6: AnsiString;
  H :=H6+H5+H4+H3+H2+H1;
  while length(H)<(OutBytes * 3) do 
    H :=H6+H;
Verifiable random information

The first source is a true random pool with 16384 bits and always only the best cryptographic functions are used. The random pool changes over time according to different random input data (e.g. keyboard, mouse, apps, interruptions, CryptoAPI, HDD). The generated random data is absolutely cryptographically secure and always verifiable.

Functions for creating random data:
function ComputePublicMasterKey(PMKSource: AnsiString): AnsiString;
  Result:=PBKDF2_Chain(PMKSource, 'PublicMasterKey', 2,3, 512);
  AddToEncryptedLOG(fLogPMK,PMKSource,Result);   // This allows control of safety (no back-door in random data)

function ComputeSalt(SaltSource: AnsiString): AnsiString;
  Result:=PBKDF2_Chain(SaltSource, 'Salt', 2,3, 32);
  AddToEncryptedLOG(fLogSALT,SaltSource,Result); // This allows control of safety (no back-door in random data)

function VerifRandom(Source: AnsiString): AnsiString;

function MakeSalt32VR: AnsiString;
  Source:=MakeSalt32;                         // get true random 32-byte from random pool with 16384-bits using the best cryptographic functions
  AddToEncryptedLOG(pmkPWD,Source,Result);    // This allows control of safety (no back-door in random data)

function MakeSalt32VRw: AnsiString;
  AddToEncryptedLOG(pmkPWD24w,Source,Result); // This allows control of safety (no back-door in random data)

function GenerateRandomPassword(PwdLength:integer):AnsiString;
    for i:=1 to 32 do P:=P + Array64[1+byte(S[i]) div 4];    // uses 6-bits from each byte
    while pos('?',P)>0 do delete(P,pos('?',P),1);            // used 62 chars; and 2 positions from 6-bit area are ignored
  until length(P)>=PwdLength;

function GenerateRandomPhrase24W: AnsiString;
    Words:=' '; uniq:=0;
    for i:=1 to 24 do
      idx:=idx*256+ord(s[i+64]);                             // idx = 0 .. 65535
      idx:=idx*3071;                                         //       0 .. 201389055
      idx:=idx div 65535;                                    //       0 .. 3071
      w0:=GetWordFromDictionery(idx)+' ';                    // Dictionery with 3072 words
      if pos(' '+w0,words)=0 then inc(uniq);
  until (length(Words)<=250)and(uniq>=22);                   // Size must be <251 and with 22 or more unique words
Bitcoin Wallet functions:
function RandomSourceToPrivatKey(S: AnsiString): AnsiString;
  S:=SafeReduceLength(HashSHA512(S)+HashRMD320(S)+HashTiger(S)+HashRMD160(S)+HashSHA256(S),64)+S; // S is a random Source: 512-bit binary data or 24 words
  if UltraSafeFlag then Password:=S[47]+S[53]+S[61]+S[3]+S[7]+S[11]+S[17]+S[19]+S[29]+S[31]+S[41]+S[43]+S[2]+S[37]+S[59]+S[5]+S[23]+S[13];
  if UltraSafeFlag then EncryptString(Result, Password); // Safe vs UltraSafe difference: this code; and Ultra has a stronger quality tests for randomness
function PrivatKeyToBitcoinAddress(PrivateKey: AnsiString): AnsiString;
  PublicKey:=ECC_PrivatKeytoPublicKey(Privatkey, CurveParam); // Elliptic-curve cryptography, Bitcoin use Secp256k1 curve
  Result:=PublicKeyToBTCAdr(PublicKey, CompressFlag);         // Bitcoin address, compressed or uncompressed
function RandomPoolToRandomSource(PoolData: AnsiString): AnsiString;
    RandomSeed:=GetRandomData(Randompool);     // RandomSeed is a random sequence (512-bit) created from RandomPool with strong cryptography. Random Pool is remixed and increased with new random data
    RandomWords:=Create24Words(RandomSeed);    // 24 words from RandomSeed, lowercase with space as a separator
    if UseWordsFlag then RandomSource:=RandomWords else RandomSource:=RandomSeed;
    IsGood:=Test(RandomSource, UltraSafeFlag); // if UltraSafe then is used a stronger quality tests for randomness
  until IsGood;
  Result:= RandomSource;
RSA and ECC verifiable random:
// Generating Verifiable Random , up to 2048-bits, if more bits are needed, repeat the procedure 
procedure SeedToVR(bits:longint; var seed,vr:AnsiString);    // input and output are binary and not hexadecimal!!!
var S,Sa,Sb,Sc,Sd,Sx:AnsiString;
  S:=Seed;              // SHA512+RMD320+Tiger2_192+RMD160+SHA256 => get 1440 bits = 180Byte 
  Sx:=SafeReduceLength(Sd+Sb+Sc+Sa, bits div 8);      // max 64*4=256Byte=2048bit }


// replacement for PBKDF2, this is much much more safer
// used only in customversions

Information: We are working on the content of this page. Page under construction...

# Test Vectors

Hash test vectors:
Input: ""
SHA1 : ( DA 39 A3 EE 5E 6B 4B 0D 32 55 BF EF 95 60 18 90 AF D8 07 09 )
RMD160: ( 9C 11 85 A5 C5 E9 FC 54 61 28 08 97 7E E8 F5 48 B2 25 8D 31 )
Tiger2: ( 44 41 BE 75 F6 01 87 73 C2 06 C2 27 45 37 4B 92 4A A8 31 3F EF 91 9F 41 )
SHA256: ( E3 B0 C4 42 98 FC 1C 14 9A FB F4 C8 99 6F B9 24 27 AE 41 E4 64 9B 93 4C A4 95 99 1B 78 52 B8 55 )
RMD320: ( 22 D6 5D 56 61 53 6C DC 75 C1 FD F5 C6 DE 7B 41 B9 F2 73 25 EB C6 1E 85 57 17 7D 70 5A 0E C8 80 15 1C 3A 32 A0 08 99 B8 )
SHA512: ( CF 83 E1 35 7E EF B8 BD F1 54 28 50 D6 6D 80 07 D6 20 E4 05 0B 57 15 DC 83 F4 A9 21 D3 6C E9 CE 47 D0 D1 3C 5D 85 F2 B0 FF 83 18 D2 87 7E EC 2F 63 B9 31 BD 47 41 7A 81 A5 38 32 7A F9 27 DA 3E )
Input: "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog"
SHA1 : ( 2F D4 E1 C6 7A 2D 28 FC ED 84 9E E1 BB 76 E7 39 1B 93 EB 12 )
RMD160: ( 37 F3 32 F6 8D B7 7B D9 D7 ED D4 96 95 71 AD 67 1C F9 DD 3B )
Tiger2: ( 97 6A BF F8 06 2A 2E 9D CE A3 A1 AC E9 66 ED 9C 19 CB 85 55 8B 49 76 D8 )
SHA256: ( D7 A8 FB B3 07 D7 80 94 69 CA 9A BC B0 08 2E 4F 8D 56 51 E4 6D 3C DB 76 2D 02 D0 BF 37 C9 E5 92 )
RMD320: ( E7 66 0E 67 54 94 35 C6 21 41 E5 1C 9A B1 DC C3 B1 EE 9F 65 C0 B3 E5 61 AE 8F 58 C5 DB A3 D2 19 97 78 1C D1 CC 6F BC 34 )
SHA512: ( 07 E5 47 D9 58 6F 6A 73 F7 3F BA C0 43 5E D7 69 51 21 8F B7 D0 C8 D7 88 A3 09 D7 85 43 6B BB 64 2E 93 A2 52 A9 54 F2 39 12 54 7D 1E 8A 3B 5E D6 E1 BF D7 09 78 21 23 3F A0 53 8F 3D B8 54 FE E6 )
Input: 1 million times "a"
SHA1 : ( 34 AA 97 3C D4 C4 DA A4 F6 1E EB 2B DB AD 27 31 65 34 01 6F )
RMD160: ( 52 78 32 43 C1 69 7B DB E1 6D 37 F9 7F 68 F0 83 25 DC 15 28 )
Tiger2: ( E0 68 28 1F 06 0F 55 16 28 CC 57 15 B9 D0 22 67 96 91 4D 45 F7 71 7C F4 )
SHA256: ( CD C7 6E 5C 99 14 FB 92 81 A1 C7 E2 84 D7 3E 67 F1 80 9A 48 A4 97 20 0E 04 6D 39 CC C7 11 2C D0 )
RMD320: ( BD EE 37 F4 37 1E 20 64 6B 8B 0D 86 2D DA 16 29 2A E3 6F 40 96 5E 8C 85 09 E6 3D 1D BD DE CC 50 3E 2B 63 EB 92 45 BB 66 )
SHA512: ( E7 18 48 3D 0C E7 69 64 4E 2E 42 C7 BC 15 B4 63 8E 1F 98 B1 3B 20 44 28 56 32 A8 03 AF A9 73 EB DE 0F F2 44 87 7E A6 0A 4C B0 43 2C E5 77 C3 1B EB 00 9C 5C 2C 49 AA 2E 4E AD B2 17 AD 8C C0 9B )
HMAC test vectors:
Input: message="" key=""
HMAC SHA1: ( FB DB 1D 1B 18 AA 6C 08 32 4B 7D 64 B7 1F B7 63 70 69 0E 1D )
HMAC RMD160: ( 44 D8 6B 65 8A 3E 7C BC 1A 20 10 84 8B 53 E3 5C 91 77 20 CA )
HMAC Tiger2: ( 19 73 0A A3 A7 F4 D1 15 2A B3 39 7C 33 46 CC 19 5E CC 42 A4 A6 0B 53 FD )
HMAC SHA256: ( B6 13 67 9A 08 14 D9 EC 77 2F 95 D7 78 C3 5F C5 FF 16 97 C4 93 71 56 53 C6 C7 12 14 42 92 C5 AD )
HMAC RMD320: ( 9E 16 B9 9B AB B1 D4 9E E2 E6 21 F1 E7 71 89 25 12 FF 3C 24 64 F7 40 11 9D E0 3D DC 9A 56 3A A4 73 E7 5B C2 68 29 AE EE )
HMAC SHA512: ( B9 36 CE E8 6C 9F 87 AA 5D 3C 6F 2E 84 CB 5A 42 39 A5 FE 50 48 0A 6E C6 6B 70 AB 5B 1F 4A C6 73 0C 6C 51 54 21 B3 27 EC 1D 69 40 2E 53 DF B4 9A D7 38 1E B0 67 B3 38 FD 7B 0C B2 22 47 22 5D 47 )
Input: message="what do ya want for nothing?" key="Jefe"
HMAC SHA1: ( EF FC DF 6A E5 EB 2F A2 D2 74 16 D5 F1 84 DF 9C 25 9A 7C 79 )
HMAC RMD160: ( DD A6 C0 21 3A 48 5A 9E 24 F4 74 20 64 A7 F0 33 B4 3C 40 69 )
HMAC Tiger2: ( 6E BE 22 54 70 66 51 95 D7 E7 0D 77 DC 21 83 2C 41 2B 78 22 27 4B D4 C0 )
HMAC SHA256: ( 5B DC C1 46 BF 60 75 4E 6A 04 24 26 08 95 75 C7 5A 00 3F 08 9D 27 39 83 9D EC 58 B9 64 EC 38 43 )
HMAC RMD320: ( E4 40 B0 0B 63 26 E4 F7 DA D3 A6 59 1E 81 89 E9 70 8F C1 7E 3C AB 30 6F C6 7E FA F7 09 47 AA D2 EA 89 E2 8F 79 D0 3B D3 )
HMAC SHA512: ( 16 4B 7A 7B FC F8 19 E2 E3 95 FB E7 3B 56 E0 A3 87 BD 64 22 2E 83 1F D6 10 27 0C D7 EA 25 05 54 97 58 BF 75 C0 5A 99 4A 6D 03 4F 65 F8 F0 E6 FD CA EA B1 A3 4D 4A 6B 4B 63 6E 07 0A 38 BC E7 37 )
PBKDF2 test vectors:
Input: password="password" salt="salt" iterations=4096 dkLen=20
PBKDF2 SHA1: ( 4b 00 79 01 b7 65 48 9a be ad 49 d9 26 f7 21 d0 65 a4 29 c1 )
Input: password="password" salt="salt" iterations=16777216 dkLen=20
PBKDF2 SHA1: ( ee fe 3d 61 cd 4d a4 e4 e9 94 5b 3d 6b a2 15 8c 26 34 e9 84 )
Input: password="passwordPASSWORDpassword" salt="saltSALTsaltSALTsaltSALTsaltSALTsalt" iterations=4096 dkLen=25
PBKDF2 SHA1: ( 3d 2e ec 4f e4 1c 84 9b 80 c8 d8 36 62 c0 e4 4a 8b 29 1a 96 4c f2 f0 70 38 )
Input: password="pass\0word" salt="sa\0lt" iterations=4096 dkLen=16
PBKDF2 SHA1: ( 56 fa 6a a7 55 48 09 9d cc 37 d7 f0 34 25 e0 c3 )

Input: password="pa\0ss" salt="sa\0lt" iterations=320 dkLen=28
PBKDF2-SHA1: ( 2F 77 FE AB 3D 33 0E 50 03 C0 38 05 60 74 98 21 35 26 CD D9 27 A1 A6 5D 89 5F 5C C1 )
PBKDF2-RMD160: ( A8 7B 54 3C 08 74 91 D5 62 A5 5F B6 4C 80 38 0B 82 22 92 C6 E2 AB 38 3D 25 1C F3 3E )
Input: password="pa\0ss" salt="sa\0lt" iterations=320 dkLen=32
PBKDF2-Tiger2: ( B3 50 BE 8C 13 D4 1C 65 47 5F F6 AA 25 FD DB EA D7 13 7E 24 39 2B 4F 83 AB ED C5 74 6B DE 4F 24 )
Input: password="pa\0ss" salt="sa\0lt" iterations=320 dkLen=40
PBKDF2-SHA256: ( B9 D2 72 2D 7E 0E 48 5C FD 89 A6 7A CE 9C 60 9C D7 7D C8 D7 EE ED 27 5B 1B E3 FB BF EF AF 33 19 6D EF CE 54 86 C3 2C 6B )
Input: password="pa\0ss" salt="sa\0lt" iterations=320 dkLen=48
PBKDF2-RMD320: ( 4D C1 7C 66 8E 79 C9 29 23 E6 AD 02 CC 89 14 95 D9 AE 4D 27 8D AF 59 5D 21 E3 D0 2A 40 12 2D F3 DC 4B 97 A4 48 89 CE 7D C3 0C 74 EC CE 30 44 F6 )
Input: password="pa\0ss" salt="sa\0lt" iterations=320 dkLen=72
PBKDF2-SHA512: ( 00 EC 72 AC 46 7F AF EF 7D A3 68 68 FA 38 2A 1D 47 65 7D F6 51 48 7F 72 4C 01 E9 6F 9C 55 60 31 81 BA 96 4D 6E A0 A5 56 C6 80 E6 0C 41 14 68 1C 36 61 2A DB 9A 0D 5E 9C 98 9F 9A 0E A2 07 D1 0A 15 2C 16 EA 61 5C A4 E3 )
PBKDF2-chain, SafeCrypt, Safehash test vectors:
Input: password="pa\0ss" salt="sa\0lt" iterations=7 repeating=5 OutLen=72
PBKDF2-Chain: ( E3 31 04 A3 7F 00 97 ED A1 C7 30 EF B2 2D 5D 0A 51 89 F7 CD 97 5B 0A A0 CA FA 2A D5 17 D7 A9 76 D5 B7 4A B4 2A D4 AF 29 5D 92 D0 59 D6 FF 10 92 C4 4E 89 60 D3 DD D8 90 1D F8 A2 F2 1F F3 D8 8C 38 24 86 6E AF 70 0B 9D )
Input: password="pa\0ss" salt="sa\0lt" iterations=7 repeating=5 OutLen=73
PBKDF2-Chain: ( D4 E5 1E 6C 03 90 B3 24 B5 85 40 96 12 22 5F 83 C1 2E 73 51 F1 70 E8 29 79 75 A9 6E CB A9 44 88 EF 4B 66 F4 25 84 A9 D2 1E FE 87 15 F1 3B 38 BB 89 90 DA 56 47 1F 9A C1 00 80 01 6F 6E 5B F0 BE EE FC 4C DC BA 9E 03 AE 37 )
Input: inkey="pa\0sssa\0lt" iterations=256 OutLen=32
SafeCrypt: ( 24 18 A3 35 0B C2 11 7B F2 FE 95 43 E3 94 40 77 3B 87 2C 80 60 AD EF E6 37 6E 5B F2 9A 23 51 04 )
Input: inkey="pa\0sssa\0lt" iterations=256 OutLen=33
SafeCrypt: ( C1 DA 8D 50 19 B5 9D 96 F0 56 A0 D2 B9 F9 E1 4B 24 E7 20 0B 11 DC CA 52 94 CE 0E 24 EB 7A 08 35 C3 )
Input: inkey="pa\0sssa\0lt"
SafeHash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
Input: inkey="pa\0sssa\0lt\0"
SafeHash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
Notice: "Aa\0Bb\0" = ( 41 61 00 42 62 00 )